Bookwhen does not require you to create an account name, select a sector, or set your timezone to complete a booking.
You won't ever need login details after selecting your tickets before the Booking details section.
If this appears, you may have navigated to the Bookwhen software sign-up screen for Event Organisers, and you should return to the event book. (Please contact your Event Organiser if you need help).
If it is your first booking, or you haven't created an account previously, Bookwhen will only ask you to create a password after you have completed the booking.
This also isn't compulsory.
If a screen such as the one in the screenshot below shows, then you have created a Bookwhen software account:
Most importantly, don't panic! Bookwhen will never charge you without you choosing to upgrade to a paid plan first.
If this happens, please select the chat widget in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen:
This will put you through to someone on the Bookwhen support team to inform them. Alternatively, you can email
You will need to provide the Bookwhen team with the email address you signed up with to let them know that you accidentally created your account. They will delete the account for you, and you can return to the event's booking page to complete your booking.
๐ฌ Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.