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Booker: Waiting Lists

Booker article: Learn how to join, book and remove yourself from a waiting list

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated today

If an event is fully booked and the event organiser has enabled a waiting list, you may have the option to join it.

This article covers:

How to find out if an event is fully booked

The system indicates a fully booked event in two ways:

  1. A 🚫 (circle with a line) icon appears next to the event date and time:

    Booking page with an arrow pointing at the fully booked symbol

  2. A Fully booked message will appear under the event details section on the right-hand side:

    Event details on the booking page showing a 'Fully booked' status

How to join a Waiting List

If the event organiser has enabled a waiting list, you can join by selecting the Join waiting list button to the right of the event title.

Booking page with an arrow pointing at the 'Join waiting list' button

Once selected, enter your name and email address, then Submit details:

Waiting list screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Submit details' button

  • This information will only be used for the waiting list.

The system will then show you your number on the list, and you will receive an email confirming your place.

Waiting List Email

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email confirming your place on the list:

Waiting list showing event details and the place on the list the waitlister is.

When a space becomes available

πŸ’‘ Please note: Anyone above you on the waiting list can also book at any time. The event organiser determines this, and it will be mentioned in your email.

You will receive an email notification if a space becomes available. If you're first on the list, you'll have a set time to complete your booking.

You can book directly by selecting the Book now button in the email:

Waiting list email with an arrow pointing at the 'Book now' button

After your booking period ends, you can still book, but the next person on the list will also be notified and can book their spot.

Removing yourself from the waiting list

There are two ways to remove yourself from the waiting list:

Via the confirmation email

Select the link at the bottom of your confirmation email:

Waiting list email with an arrow pointing at the link at the bottom

Via the customer portal

To remove yourself from the list via the customer portal:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the Events tab, then Waiting list:

    Customer portal with an arrow pointing at the 'Waiting list' tab within the 'Events' section

  3. Select the three-dot (...) menu next to the waiting list, then Leave waiting list:

    Waiting list tab of the 'Events' section with an arrow pointing at the 'Leave waiting list' option within the 3-dot menu

Managing your joined Waiting Lists

To review your joined waiting lists:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the Events tab, then Waiting list:

    Customer portal with an arrow pointing at the 'Waiting list' tab within the 'Events' section

  3. Select a waiting list, and a window will pop open with all of the event details, including what number you are on the list:

    Waiting list information including the event details and place on the list

πŸ’¬ Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.

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