This article covers:
How timezones work
You select your timezone on Bookwhen during account creation. This timezone applies to the whole account, including each schedule page and entry.
Below is an example of how Bookwhen displays your timezone at the bottom of your public booking page:
Please note:
Your customers view the times on the schedule in the timezone of your account, not their timezone.
You cannot set the timezone to be different for each of your events.
Changing your timezone
If you need to change your timezone, please contact the support team via our live chat when logged in and let the team know which exact timezone you'd like to change your account to.
It takes about 1-2 business days for us to complete this change for you.
π‘ You won't be able to change the timezone yourself once the account has been created.
π¬ Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:
For a quicker response, please contact us via live chat on our homepage or your account.
Or send us an email
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