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Managing entries

What to consider when creating, copying and naming entries

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over a week ago

This article covers:

✨ You can find information on setting up an entry here.

Entries and Usage Restrictions

It is best to think of an entry as a collection of information that applies to a group of one or more events.

An entry contains essential information relating to your events:

  • Event description

  • Location

  • Post booking information

  • Dates and times

  • Entry title

  • Ticket names

  • Tags

  • Ticket information

  • Payment type

  • Attendance capacity limits

  • Booking form fields

Only events where all of the above information is the same should be grouped on an entry.

πŸ’‘ When naming an entry, you should ensure that the title you choose is indicative of your group of events, which your bookers will recognise, and which you will recognise when managing your schedule pages. You can use an entry title in other ways in addition to identifying your group of events.

Discount codes and block booking discounts

You can use the title to add usage restrictions to discount codes or block booking discounts, determining which instances a booker can use the discount.


It can also be used to add usage restrictions to passes, determining in which instances a booker can use the pass:

A visual example of how usage restrictions work. You can restrict how bookers can use discount sets and passes set by you by the entry title, ticket name or tags:

If you duplicate an entry, any usage restrictions you have applied to the original are copied over to the new entry as well -Β 

If the entry title is the same as the previous entry, it will become difficult to differentiate between them when adding new usage restrictions. Using the same entry title might be an issue if, for example, you create a new discount:

In the example above, each 'Online Course' refers to a particular entry, and selecting just one will not automatically include all of its copies.

  • In addition, if you create a brand new entry (rather than duplicating) and wish your discount sets and/or passes usage restrictions to apply, you must manually add the entry to the usage restrictions via your discount options screen.

It is essential to ensure that, wherever possible, you do not create new entries for events similar to those that have gone before. If possible, it is always better to add new dates/times to the end of an existing entry unless:

  • There are course tickets on your entry. These tickets apply to every date on the entry, so the course entry must contain only the specific dates on which the course will take place.

  • You need to change any of the information for some (but not all) dates on your schedule.

If you do need to create a new entry, you should, wherever possible, differentiate the entry titles. For instance, in the example above, you could name one entry "Online Course - January", then "Online Course - February", "Online Course - March", etc.

(Please note that these entry titles will appear on your public schedule page).

Adding entries to your schedule

Day or term separation

To organise your schedule, you may prefer to keep different days of the week separated from other entries, even if the information is all the same.

For instance, if you run three classes a week on the same days each week, you might prefer to create three different entries with titles along the lines of:

  • Monday Event

  • Wednesday Event

  • Friday Event

Or, perhaps you operate according to set periods or 'terms' and wish to refresh your entries every few months.

For example, with monthly terms, you may have a series of entries named:

  • September term

  • October term

  • November term

Adding future dates to existing entries

You can determine the dates and times that your events appear on your schedule and public page in the Dates & Times section of your entry.

In this section, you can set up an event to reoccur forever, in which case you don't need to revisit your schedule to update events unless there are any changes.

However, if your event recurrence is limited, you will eventually need to add more dates to your schedule. A common mistake is to create a new entry when this is not necessary.

If you'd like to change the dates/times of a forever recurring schedule, you would need to amend the recurrence to a set date, then choose a date where your schedule changes:

Then create a new recurrence by selecting Add another date/time -

πŸ’‘ Remember to Save the entry when you have finished editing.


When to create a new entry

Suppose you need to change any of the information for some events whilst leaving the rest the same (e.g. your event runs from a different location on a particular week only, or you have reduced capacity on one day only a week). In that case, you will need to create a separate entry.

It can be quicker to duplicate your original entry, removing the dates for which the information will change from the original entry and then eliminating those dates that will stay the same from the copy entry. Then you can change the location, capacity, etc., on the copy entry.

πŸ’‘ To note: the duplicated entry will retain any usage restrictions you applied to the original entry.

When to delete an entry

Old entries remain on the system, and they can potentially clog up your usage restriction menus! If all of the dates contained on an entry have passed and you can stand to lose the information you have entered (perhaps it still exists on an entry you have duplicated), then it is worth considering deleting that old entry.

To delete an entry, select it from your schedule list, then Edit entry. From here, select the More options tab, then Delete this entry:

πŸ’‘ To note:

  • Once selected, you have a 24-hour window to undo this action. Please get in touch with support to complete this action for you.

  • Any bookings received through that entry will remain on the system regardless of whether you delete the entry.

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