Setting up your first entry

Learn how to create events, tickets, booking forms etc

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over a week ago

This article covers:

Overview: Creating an entry

An entry can be one event or a recurring series, such as multiple singular dates or a course. If you have many different events, you may wish to split them into separate entries to keep them organised.

To add a new entry, navigate to your Scheduling tab and select Add a new entry.

Each entry contains six tabs:

For example:


You can include important details about your event in this section.

Main Details

Breakdown of each section:


The name of your event/series of events.


This appears in your event's 'details' section on your public page:

It should contain more information for your customers to learn about the event.

Attendee instructions

This appears in your event's 'instruction' section on your public page to inform your attendees of any additional information:

Please note: We do not include this information in the confirmation email that your customers receive after booking.

Event image

Use this section to add any images to your entry that will appear on your event on the public page:

Event attachments

You can upload an attachment here or choose an existing document from your attachments page.


Assign a Leader to your entry (this could be the lead instructor/team member of the event).

Booking confirmation message

This text appears on the booking complete screen and in the email that your customer receives after booking.

✨ You can learn more about the confirmation email that Bookwhen sends here.

Additional details

You can find the Additional details section at the bottom of the Information section.

You can add tags, an age range restriction, gender restriction and level.


If you enter a tag to your entry, it will enable you to group entries together, filter your public pages and apply discounts to specific event types.

💡 Please note: We do not display your tags on your public page. They are for internal use and filtering only.

Age range

If you input an age range in either months or years, this will appear publically on your entry in the following format, for example:

Gender restriction

No restriction will appear on your event if you select No restriction.


The available advisory levels are currently Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

💡 Please note:

The system does not enforce age or gender restrictions. You may wish to add mandatory booking form fields to request that your customers understand the restriction and re-verify their age/gender and what this means (if their answer does not fall into the restriction criteria).


This section informs your attendees where your event will take place. You can choose between a Physical location, an Online event location or No location.

💡 You can only select one location per entry.

To find your location, start typing the address in the search for location field:

The Google Maps integration will give you several options, which you can select by selecting the right one.

If you're unable to find your address, you can manually add it by selecting Enter address manually:

Enter the address in the fields:

You can then decide if you would like to show a map on your entry by ticking/unticking Show location on a map?:

You enter any additional information your attendees may need to know about your location:

✨ You can learn more about adding, changing and managing locations here.

Dates & Times

This section is where you can determine the date, time and duration of your event(s).

Use the date selector to set the date, time, and duration.

If your event is a recurring series, e.g. a class that takes place every Monday, you can select the checkbox - Is this a repeating event? 

This will open fields for you to select the frequency, day and duration of the repetition. Once you have completed these fields, your series will automatically populate the schedule.

You can restrict when an event becomes visible on the schedule by selecting Hide events in the future? checkbox:

After selecting this, you can adjust how long the event will stay hidden and prevent customers from booking too far in advance:

💡 Important notes:

  • You cannot attach dates/times/durations to tickets. This means that any tickets you list will be available across all of the dates and times you set up within this section.

  • You may need to reschedule individual events in this series in the future. You can learn how to do this here.

Tickets & Costs

This section allows you to create your event's required ticket(s).

Set your event capacity in the field next to Maximum event size:


You can name your ticket under Ticket name, add any additional details under Ticket details and add a cost under Ticket cost:

Other ticket settings include:

Restrict when this ticket will be available?

Set when the ticket will be available from and until. You can use this for early bird-type tickets.

Show this ticket?

Take the ticket offline by unselecting this option.

Number of tickets available?

Limit how many customers can book of this type. Leave blank for no restriction.

Course ticket?

A course ticket enables customers to book all dates in this entry using this single ticket. The entry must have multiple dates/times and cannot continue forever.

Group or family ticket?

Can customers book a single ticket for multiple attendees? This allows you to set a fixed cost for a group.

Exclusive ticket

Only customers with access to this ticket can book the exclusive tickets.

Payment options

You can find the payment options section at the bottom of the Tickets & Costs page:

Here, you have the option to select between the following options:

  • Enforce online payment

  • Online/offline choice

  • Offline only

💡 Please note: Any entry with the “Enforce online payment” option will enforce this setting during checkout for all tickets that your customers select, even entries where the payment option is set to “Offline only”.

Booking options

You can limit the number of tickets a customer can book per event date/time in a booking:

For example, '1' means your customer can only book 1 attendee on this event per booking.

Booking form

In this section, you can create a booking form that attendees will complete when making a booking. You can make some fields mandatory.

The form is split into three sections:

Booker details:

Details captured about the person making the booking

Attendee details:

Details captured about the individuals attending the event

Booking details:

Specific information needed concerning the event

✨ Useful links:

More options

In this section, you can set up a private password for an entry or delete it if necessary.

Restrict Booking Access

You can set a password under Private booking password:

This restricts customers from entering the booking process on this entry. This is useful for administering private events or offering priority bookings.

Delete Entry 

You can hard-delete the entry and start again by selecting Delete this entry:

💡 Please note: You cannot undo this action. If you'd like to recover the deleted entry, please get in touch with the support team via live chat within 48 hours of the deletion.

Once you are satisfied with your entry, select Save or Save & Exit to view your entry on your Schedule page.

💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! 🕺

Tags: Entry, event, createevent, activity, class, addclass, createclass, schedule, occasion

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