To enhance your customers' experience, you can gather specific details using our customisable booking forms.
This article covers:
By default, we automatically ask your customers for three key details when booking. These are known as system fields.
System fields
A system field is a field that appears prominently throughout the system and cannot be amended to collect data other than what is specified.
We currently have three types of system fields:
Attendee name
Attendee email: Used for all automated emails.
Child attendee (i.e. "Is this attendee a child?")
Impact of removing system fields
You can remove system fields from your booking form, but this will affect how bookings appear in your account.
For example, if you remove the Attendee's full name field, the booking will display 'Name not given' instead of their name:
💡 Once you've created your first booking form, it will be used by default for any new entries you create.
Creating a new field
To create a new field:
Select Settings, then Booking fields from the left-hand dashboard on your account.
Select the Create a field button in the top right-hand corner of the page:
Select Field type and Data type, then Continue:
The information you can provide will depend on the Field type and Data type you selected. For example, if you select Attendee details and Plain text - Single-line, the following fields will appear:
Field question: This appears as the title of the field during checkout.
For example: "Any dietary requirements?".
Additional details: Provide more information to help customers complete the field.
For example: "Please state your requirements in as much detail as possible so we can best accommodate you. We will be in touch if we have any further questions."
Placeholder text: Example text input to guide customers who may be unsure how to answer.
For example: "Pescatarian, allergic to dairy, etc."
Attachment: Upload a file that customers may need to access or submit to attend the event.
Once completed, select Create field to save and create your field.
Editing a booking form on an entry
To edit your booking form for an entry:
Open your Scheduling page.
Select your entry from your schedule list, then Edit entry:
Select the Booking form tab and review the Field options in the bottom right:
Select & reorder fields
Use the Select & reorder option to add, remove or reorder the fields in your booking form. Once selected, use the plus "+" and minus "-" signs to add or remove them from the form:
💡 The Select & reorder setting is useful when tailoring a booking form for a specific entry. Any changes made, such as reordering fields, only apply to the dates and times within that entry, they won’t affect other entries.
Once finished, select Save form.
Set mandatory fields
Use the Set mandatory fields option to require customers to complete specific fields before finalising their booking.
Once selected, tick/untick the fields that you'd like to make mandatory/make un-mandatory, then select Update:
Once finished, select Update, then save your entry by selecting Save or Save & Exit in the top right-hand corner.
Adding or removing a field from all entries
To add or remove a particular field from all entries:
Select Settings from the left-hand menu of your account, then Booking fields.
Select the three dots next to the field, then Edit field:
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to Restrictions, where you can choose the action you'd like to take.
For example, the bin icon 🗑️ to remove it, or Add to all entries to add it:
💡 Please note: Once selected, this will take immediate effect.
Adding the field to specific entries
You can add this field to only specific entries in your schedule. To do this:
Open your Scheduling page.
Select the relevant entry, Edit entry, the Booking form tab, then Select & reorder fields:
Use the Select & reorder option to add, remove or reorder the fields in your booking form. Once selected, use the plus "+" and minus "-" signs to add or remove them from the form:
You can also choose whether or not it is a mandatory requirement by selecting Set mandatory fields within each relevant entry.
Once finished, select Save or Save & Exit to save your entry settings.
Deleting a field
To delete a field (and not just remove it from the entry):
To note: Deleting a field will permanently erase all responses from past bookings where that field was included in the booking form.
Booking field data types
When creating/editing an entry, you can choose how you'd like to capture the information using the Data type option:
The options that appear will depend on the Field type, however, below is an overview of all options:
Plain text - Single-line: Provides your customers one line to respond in plain text.
This is helpful to respond to questions that require answers of only 1-5 words, e.g. "Full name"
Plain text - Single-line - Validated: The validated option provides your customers one line to respond in plain text with a specific response requirement.
This is helpful if you need a specific response, such as only numbers or letters.
Plain text - Multi-line: Provides your customers multiple lines to respond in plain text.
This is helpful when you require a little more information from your customers, e.g. "Please provide your feedback on the ease of the booking process"
Check box: A question your customers can answer by checking a box.
e.g. "Please check this box if you wish to borrow a yoga mat"
Check box - For capturing consent: For questions of consent. Once a consent field is created and used by a customer, they or you (as the admin) cannot change this.
e.g. "Do you consent to your picture being taken when participating".
Yes/No option: Provides your customers with a 'yes' or 'no' option to answer.
e.g. "Is this your first time attending this event?"
Date selection: Your customers can select a date from a calendar to answer the question.
e.g. "Please indicate the date when you qualified to participate in this event"
Dropdown list: For customers to select an answer from several pre-determined options.
e.g. "Would you describe your ability for this activity as beginner, intermediate, or expert?"
Multiple choice - Select one only: For customers to select only one answer from several pre-determined checkbox list options.
Multiple choice - List: Customers have the option to select multiple answers from several pre-determined checkbox list options.
Website link (URL): For website address formatted answers only.
e.g. "What website are you visiting from?"
Email address: For email address formatted answers only.
e.g. "Please provide your email address"
Phone number: For phone number formatted answers only.
e.g. "Please provide your contact telephone number"
Address: For address formatted answers only.
e.g. "Please provide your home address"
✨ You can use information you have gathered from your Booking Form fields to engage with your customers using the Customer List.
💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:
For a quicker response, please contact us via live chat on our homepage or your account.
Or send us an email
Thank you! 🕺