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Public leader profiles

How to promote your event leaders with a public profile

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over a month ago

Please note: Leaders are available on the Lite plan or above.

This article covers:

What is a leader profile?

Any team member on your account can create a public profile to showcase their events. For example:

Leader profile example on the public page

The left section shows the person's profile leading the event, and the right is a scheduled list of the events assigned to them as a leader.

Setting up a leader profile

To set up a leader profile:

  1. Select Account, then Team from the left-hand menu:

    Account menu with an arrow pointing at 'Team'

  2. Select the pencil and paper 📝 icon to the right of the profile you'd like to edit.

  3. Add the information to include, such as a profile picture, name, job title, details in the About Me section, and social media links.

    Public profile settings highlighted

Making the profile visible publicly to customers

Each profile has a unique URL. If you publish the profile, the URL will be active. Otherwise, visitors will be redirected to your public schedule page.

To publish your profile, toggle the switch in the top right-hand corner so the circle moves to the right and turns green.

Toggle switch showing both 'off' and 'on' views

Leader profile on the public page

Customers can review who runs an event if the profile is published and the leader is tagged to the entry or event.

The leader’s name will appear as a clickable link on the event. For example:

Public page with an arrow pointing at the leader hyperlink, located underneath the event name

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