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Customise page settings

How to change your public URL, linking your page back to your website, and more

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over 9 months ago

✨ Please note: This feature is available on the Lite plan or above.

This article covers:

Locating where to customise your public page

You can find your page settings in the top right-hand corner of your public page:

Public page screen example with an arrow pointing at the 'Customise page' button, located in the top-right hand corner of the page.

Once selected, the public page settings appear:

Customise page settings example, highlighting options such as Public page URL, HTML code, web search results checkbox, default language, show availability checkbox, show login button checkbox, schedule row count, link back to website, Google Analytics ID, header background colour, logo image, and banner image.

Changing your page URL

You can change your public page's URL by selecting Change your page URL

Customise pages settings with arrow pointing at the 'Change your page URL' link, highlighting where users can change their public page URL.

Changing the URL:

  • Only change the link your customers use to visit your page.

  • We hide the URL you use to edit your schedule(s) from your customers and display it only to you and/or your team members.

πŸ’‘ Please contact support via live chat or email if you want to change your admin page URL.

HTML code for your page

This section refers to Button link, Standard link and Embedded iframe codes. Each link represents a different code for you to use on your website.

Select the code type you'd like, then copy and paste it into your site:

Customise page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the 'HTML code for your page' section.

Include in web search results

This section lets you control whether your page appears on search engines like Google or Bing.

Customise page settings screen with arrow pointing at the 'Include in web search results' checkbox.
  • Tick the Include in web search results checkbox if you want your page to appear in web searches.

  • Uncheck the box to 'tell' search engines to exclude your pages from their results.

πŸ’‘ Further context:

This checkbox controls whether or not Bookwhen includes a "NO INDEX" tag in the HTML for the page.

  • Search engines continuously check pages to detect any changes to their settings. This process is controlled externally, and how quickly you make changes to this setting within Bookwhen depends on how often the search engine checks the page. This could be more often for pages clicked through from a search result or less often if the page isn't linked from anywhere.

πŸ’‘ Please note:

  • Including the public page in search engines is only available on paid plans (Lite and above).

  • We (Bookwhen) cannot guarantee that the page will be made searchable or removed immediately.

Public Page default language

This section lets you select the language in which you wish to display your page in search results (Google, Bing, etc.).

Customise page settings with arrow pointing at 'Public page default language' settings, where users can set the default language of their page.

  • This only applies if you decide to include your page in web search results.

  • The language you select here will appear when customers visit your page, but they can amend it for their personal view.

Show availability

This section lets you decide whether your public page shows the number of spaces and tickets available:

Customise page settings with arrow pointing at the 'Show availability' checkbox setting, where users can choose to hide event availability.

  • Check the box to show the availability, and uncheck it to hide it (to show it only when the event is almost full).

Show the login button

This setting lets you hide your customers' Login button:

Customise page settings with an arrow pointing at the 'Show the login button' checkbox, where users can choose to hide/unhide the login button on their public page.

  • We recommend keeping this option checked if you offer passes to allow customers to view the status of their passes.

Schedule row count

This section allows you to control how many rows of your schedule you'd like to show on your page before the Show more button appears at the bottom of the schedule.

Customise page settings highlighting the 'Schedule row count' settings, where users can set the default number of rows that appear on their scheduling list.

Public page example highlighting the scheduling list with the numbers of rows set in the 'Customise page' 'Schedule row count' settings. An arrow points at the 'Show more' section at the bottom of the scheduling list.

Link back to your website

If you'd like to redirect your customers back to your website or social media page, you can add the URL to this section:

Customise page settings screen with arrow pointing at the 'Link back to your website' field, where users can add their website URL.

Once your customers complete a booking, they will see a Return to website button. For example:

Booking completion screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Return to website' button. Customers select this button to return to users main website.

Google Analytics ID

Google Analytics offers insights into your page visitors that can help you better understand your customers and how to improve your business.

You can enter your ID into the Google Analytics ID section:

Customise page settings with an arrow pointing at the 'Google Analytics ID' section, where users can add their unique ID.

Header background colour

You can set your banner background colour in the Header background colour section:

Customise page settings with an arrow pointing at the 'Header background colour' settings, where users can select a colour or add a HEX code.

πŸ’‘ To note: The colour only shows if you haven't set a banner image.

Upload logo image

You can upload and delete your logo image in the Upload logo image section by selecting the Set logo or Delete button:

Customise page settings with arrow pointing at 'Set header background' section, where users can upload their banner image.

Upload banner photo

You can upload and delete your banner image in the Upload banner photo section by selecting the Set header background or Delete button:

Main page title

You can change your page's title in the section below the customise page settings. To locate it, scroll down until you reach the Main page title box:

Customise page settings with arrow pointing at the 'Main page title' field, where users can add their page title.

Alert message

You can add an alert message to your page in this section. To locate it, please scroll down past the main customise page settings until you reach the Alert message box:

Customise page settings with an arrow pointing at the 'Alert message' field where users can enter their page alert message.

General information

You can add a blurb or filter buttons to your page in this section. To locate the box, please scroll down past the main customise page settings until you reach the General information box:

✨ You can also format the text you enter in General information field section.

Saving your settings and closing the window

Please ensure you save any changes you make within the Customise page settings. To do this, select Save settings:

Customise page settings with an arrow pointing at the 'Save settings' button at the bottom of the screen, where users can save any changes.

Customise settings screen with arrow pointing at the 'Save header text' button at the bottom of the settings, where users can save their changes.

To close the settings, select Close:

Customise page settings with arrow pointing at the 'Close' button, where users can click to close their settings (without saving).

  • If you close without saving your settings, any changes you've made will be lost.

πŸ’¬ Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! πŸ•Ί

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Tags: Page setup, pagesetup

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