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Booker: Changing your email address

Booker article: How to change your email address

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated today

If you entered your email address incorrectly or simply would like to change it, you can amend it directly through the customer portal.

To do this:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the person icon in the top right-hand corner, then Account:

    Customer portal screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Account' option, indicating where users can click to amend their email address.

  3. Select Update email:

    Account settings screen with arrow pointing at the 'Update email' button, showing users what to click to update their email.

  4. Type your updated email address into the Email address field and select Send code:

    Change email screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Send code' button

  5. You’ll receive an email with the next steps at your updated email address. Please allow a few minutes for it to arrive.

💬 Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.

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