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Booker: Payments

Booker article: Learn about online/offline payments including Google and Apple Pay

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated yesterday

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Online payment

When booking an event, you may encounter various online payment options to choose from:

Stripe checkout

If your event organiser is using Stripe as their online payment provider, you will have the option to Pay by card, where you can enter your card details:

Online payment section of the checkout with an arrow pointing at the 'Pay by card' button

πŸ’‘ Tip: You can save your details in a Wallet or Browser.

PayPal checkout

If your event organiser uses PayPal as its online payment provider, you will be prompted to either sign into your PayPal account or checkout as a guest:

Online payment section of the checkout with an arrow pointing at the 'PayPal Checkout' button

Google / Apple Pay

You may also have the option to checkout using Apple Pay/Google Pay. If so, please select one of the options and follow the concurrent steps.

Offline payment

Some event organisers may choose to offer an offline payment option, for example, cash or cheque. If enabled on their account:

Review the offline payment conditions and tick the Agree offline payment terms checkbox to confirm that you agree to pay later.

Once ticked, select the Complete booking button:

Offline payment section with an arrow pointing at the 'Agree offline payment terms?' checkbox and the 'Complete booking' button highlighted

Saving card details in a Wallet or Browser

Ways to save your card details for faster checkouts:

  • Use Google Pay or Apple Pay wallets.

  • Save your card details through your browser's save card feature (available in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox).

  • If the event organiser allows it, use the Link app to store your card details (only available in North America).

Payments and Refunds

Event organisers manage payments and refunds through their personal or business accounts. Bookwhen hosts events but cannot access payment details due to privacy. If you have any questions about your booking, please contact the event organiser directly.

πŸ’¬ Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.

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