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Changing membership prices

Learn how to archive prices and create new ones for an existing membership

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over 7 months ago

Please note: The Membership feature is only available on the Standard Plan and above, using Stripe as their integrated payment provider.

When adjusting membership pricing, it's important to consider customers under existing plans to ensure a smooth transition.

This article covers:

Before you start

Before making any changes to your membership pricing, it's important to verify if there are customers on the existing plans.

Here's how to check this information:

  • Select Packages & Discounts from the left-hand menu, then Memberships.

  • Select View on the membership that you'd like to change the price for:

  • Within the Prices section, select the (...) link on the price you want to change.

  • From the drop-down menu, select Open in Stripe:

  • This will open the pricing in a new window.

From here, any active subscriptions will show within the subscriptions section. i.e.:

Active subscriptions

If you have any active subscriptions, please follow the steps within archiving and adding new prices when there are existing customers.

No active subscriptions

If you have no active subscriptions, please follow the steps within archiving and adding new prices when there are no existing customers.

Archiving and adding new prices with no existing customers

If you don't have any existing customers and want to change the price of a membership, you can archive the current price.

To do this, select the membership you'd like to edit from your Membership page, then the three dots next to the price.

From here, select Archive price:

Once archived, you can then either Add price or view your archived prices by selecting Show archived prices:

Archiving and adding new prices with existing customers.

When changing the pricing for existing customers' memberships, follow the below steps:

1. Inform existing customers

Before increasing payments for existing customers, you'll need to inform them and seek their consent, especially if it wasn't explicitly mentioned in your terms and conditions.

For example, advise customers that they will receive an email cancelling their subscription at the current price and another to confirm the new subscription at the revised price.

2. Unpublish existing pricing

To prevent new customers from signing up on the existing pricing without affecting existing members, unpublish the existing pricing. Do not archive the price at this stage.

  • Please note that this won't cancel the membership

To do this:

  • Select Packages & Discounts from the left-hand menu, then Memberships.

  • Select View on the membership where you are changing the pricing.

  • Within the Prices section, select the (...) link on the price you want to change.

  • From the drop-down menu, select Edit price:

  • In the pop-up window, turn off the price by removing the tick beside published. Then select "Update".

This means that the price is no longer available to new customers and will have a Not published label beside it:

3. Add new pricing

On the same membership, within the Prices section, select Add price:

In the pop-up window, enter the Title for the new price option and set the Cost of the membership.

You can also set the Billing period for the recurring payment:

  • If you are just adding a new price but want to keep the same billing frequency, add the previous period you had on the old price.

Ensure that you tick the Published checkbox, and when you're ready, Select Create.

Your new pricing will then be visible to all customers for that membership.

4. Move existing customers over to new pricing

After setting up the new pricing and hiding the old pricing, you can move existing customers to the new pricing in two ways.

  1. You can reach out to us and request a technical change on your behalf, specifying that all existing customers currently on the "£XX price" should be moved to the new "£YY price".

  2. You can also do this yourself through Stripe:

Select Packages & Discounts from the left-hand menu, then Memberships.

  • Select View on the membership that you'd like to change the price for:

  • Within the Prices section, select the (...) link on the price you want to change.

  • From the drop-down menu, select Open in Stripe:

  • This will open the price in a new window.

Select the X active link under Subscription. This will show you all customers who are on that pricing.

On the first customer, select the "..." button next to the created date, then Update subscription:

In the Product section, select Add product and click on the field. You can search for the new price by either typing the name/price you used in step 3 or by looking through the drop-down menu.

Once you have found the new price, select it to add it. Then, remove the previous price by selecting "..." on the old price, then Remove product:

When you are ready, select Update subscription:

  • You may be prompted by Stripe to add your password.

Your customers will then pay a prorated amount on their next payment, depending on the pricing change you made (decreased/increased).

💡 You will need to repeat this process for each existing customer.

5. Archiving Old Price

Once all existing customers have been moved to the new price, you can archive the old price.

Restoring previously archived prices

You can also restore archived prices by selecting the three dots next to the archived price, then Restore price:

💡 To note: Archiving prices and adding new prices don't automatically update existing members' subscriptions. You'll first need to inform your members and gain permission before increasing their payments.

  • You can amend their subscription directly through Stripe (as described above) if approved.

Pausing a membership

It's not currently possible to pause a membership within Bookwhen; however, you can opt to pause payments in Stripe.

💡 Please proceed with caution when doing this, as it won't temporarily stop the subscription and/or block access to membership benefits within Bookwhen. This will only stop payments collected by Stripe.

If you'd like to pause a membership within Bookwhen, you will need to cancel the customer's subscription and ask them to rejoin when they are ready.

💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! 🕺

Tags: booker

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