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Seasonal ticket, pass & membership price change
Seasonal ticket, pass & membership price change

Learn how to change the prices of your existing offers

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated today

This article covers:

Changing ticket prices

There are a few ways to change the ticket prices associated with your entries:

Amending the existing ticket price

You can amend the ticket price from within the entry starting immediately.

To do this:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select your entry, then Edit entry to open your entry settings:

    Scheduling setup with an arrow pointing to the 'Edit Entry' button.

  3. Select the Tickets & Costs tab, then the pencil and paper πŸ“ icon next to the ticket you would like to edit:

    Tickets & Costs tab with an arrow pointing at the pencil and paper icon

  4. Add the new cost to the Pricing field and select Update ticket:

    Ticket setup with the pricing field highlighted and an arrow pointing at the 'Update ticket' button

  5. Select either Save or Save & Exit to save your updated entry settings.

Creating a new ticket type

If you are changing your pricing from a set date:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select your entry, then Edit entry to open your entry settings:

    Scheduling setup with an arrow pointing to the 'Edit Entry' button.

  3. Select the Tickets & Costs tab, then Create ticket:

    Tickets & Costs tab with arrow pointing at the 'Create ticket' button

  4. Create your new ticket by adding the new price and any additional details.

  5. Once completed, select Restrict when this ticket will be available to add a date restriction of when this ticket is available for purchase:

    Ticket setup with an arrow pointing at the 'Restrict when this ticket will be available' checkbox

  6. Select Fixed date and add the first date that you'd like the new ticket price to become available for purchase.

  7. Select Save ticket once finished.

  8. Once you've created your new ticket, you'll need to restrict your existing ticket so that it will become unavailable after a set date. To do this, select the pencil and paper πŸ“ icon next to the ticket to open the edit page:

    Tickets & Costs tab with an arrow pointing at the pencil and paper icon

  9. Select the Restrict when this ticket will be available tickbox, Fixed date, then the date you'd like that ticket to close.

  10. Select Update ticket then either Save or Save & Exit to save the entry.

Restrict how far in advance your entries show on your page

πŸ’‘ Customers can still book tickets until the restriction date, so you may also wish to restrict how far in advance your entries show on your page.

To restrict how far in advance your entries show on your page:

  1. Select the Dates & Times tab within your entry settings and scroll down.

  2. Select the Hide events in future checkbox:

    Dates & Times tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Hide events in future' checkbox

  3. Add how far in advance the entries show by: Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months or Years:

    Hide events in future setting

  4. Select Save or Save & Exit once finished.

Duplicating your entry

A simple way to change ticket prices is to end your existing recurring schedule and duplicate the entry. This keeps all the original entry details intact. Once duplicated, you can edit the new entry separately, updating only the relevant information, such as dates and tickets.

πŸ’‘ Before you end the recurring schedule, ensure you check for existing bookings

  • If there are any after your desired end date, inform your attendee(s) about the upcoming changes and if you are cancelling. You may wish to offer them the option to rebook onto the new entry but consider how to handle the price difference.

  • If you don't cancel the bookings, the dates with the bookings attached will show in red on your admin scheduling page.

If you do not have any bookings:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select your entry, then Edit entry to open your entry settings:

    Scheduling setup with an arrow pointing to the 'Edit Entry' button.

  3. Select the Dates & Times tab, then the recurring schedule on the right-hand side:

    Dates & Times tab with arrow pointing at the recurring schedule.

  4. Change the Repeat until period from Ongoing to Until a set date, then add the date you'd like the entry to end:

    Dates & Times setup with an arrow pointing at the 'Repeat until' setting

  5. Select Save changes, then either Save or Save & Exit to save your changes.

  6. Once completed, you can duplicate the entry.

  7. To do this, select the entry from your Scheduling page, the drop-down menu next to Edit entry, then Duplicate this entry:

    Schedule list with an arrow pointing at the 'Duplicate this entry' option within the 'edit entry' drop-down menu. This shows users what to click to duplicate their entry.

  8. You will then have created a duplicate of the original entry. With Copy of: added to the title:

    Schedule list showing an original entry name alongside a duplicated entry, with 'copy of:' in front of it to highlight to users what a duplicate entry looks like.

  9. You can change the title of the entry by selecting Edit Entry and editing the name within the Information tab of the entry settings:

    Edit entry view with arrow pointing at the 'Name' section within the 'Information' tab

  10. Select the Dates & Times tab to remove any past dates.

  11. Select Tickets & Costs to amend the ticket to the new ticket price.

  12. Select Save or Save & Exit when finished to save your entry.

✨ If you require a lot of duplications, please get in touch with support via live chat or by emailing, who can request the technical team's assistance. We're here to help!

Changing pass prices

Amending the price of a pass from within the setup won’t affect passes that have already been purchased, so you can increase the price on the day of the change.

Alternatively, you can create a new pass to keep the pricing separate. If you choose this option, ensure you add date restrictions to both the old and new passes so customers can only purchase them within the correct timeframe.

To add date restrictions:

  1. Select Packages & Discounts, then Passes from the left-hand menu on your account.

  2. Select Edit next to the existing pass:

    Passes screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Edit' button

  3. Add an End date to make the pass unavailable from that date:

    Pass setting with the 'Availability' section highlighted

  4. Then create your new pass, with the new pricing, ensuring you add a Start date for when it will be available for purchase.

Unpublishing a pass

When the original pass is no longer available, you may wish to unpublish it.

To do this:

  1. Select Packages & Discounts, then Passes from the left-hand menu on your account.

  2. Select Edit next to the pass:

    Passes screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Edit' button

  3. Slide the Published toggle to the left:

    Pass setting with an arrow pointing at the 'Published' toggle

  4. Select Save changes to save any changes you make.

Changing membership prices

πŸ’‘ Please note: You need to gain consent from your members when you make any changes to their pricing.

We have put together a step-by-step guide on how to archive and add new prices when there are existing customers.

πŸ’¬ Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! πŸ•Ί

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