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Customising your public page

Make your public page stand out by adding a title, description, logo, banner image and more.

Eloise avatar
Written by Eloise
Updated over 5 months ago

Please note: This feature is available on the Lite plan or above.

Customising your public booking page is an excellent way of engaging your customers and expressing your brand's identity.

This article covers:

How to customise your page

1. Open up your Public page:

Scheduling screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘View public page’ button, highlighting where users can click to open their public page.

2. Select Customise page in the top right:

Public page screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Customise page’ button, highlighting where users can click to open their public page settings.

3. The below section opens:

Public page settings screen showing all customisable options. Including: Public page URL, HTML code, search engine settings, logo and background image.

Page title

Add a title to your page by scrolling down the Customise page settings until you reach the Main page title. Then add your title into the box:

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Main page title’ field where users can add their page title.

💡 The page title displays in the top left of your public page, above the banner image/banner colour.

Alert message

Include an alert below the Main page title in your Customise page settings to alert your customers to any changes in circumstance or perhaps an exclusive offer.

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Alert message’ field where users can add their alert message.

An example of how an alert appears on your public page:

Example of alert banner underneath the public page banner.

General information

Add a description to your public page in the General information section at the bottom of the Customise page options:

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘General information’ field where users can add information about their page/business.

You can include an overview of your business, story, team, reviews, awards, etc., or leave it blank if preferred. This description appears below the title, logo and header of your public page:

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘General information’, which is located underneath the top banner image.

  • This section is also where you can insert filter buttons for your schedule.

💡 It's good to consider not including too much information in your description so that your schedule is still visible to your customers near the top of your booking page.


To upload your logo image, select Customise page on your public page, then Set logo to upload the file, then Save settings:

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Set logo’ button where users can upload their logo image.

The logo image:

  • Appears at the top left of your public page and will shrink to fit on smaller screens if it is too wide.

  • Displays at a maximum width of 350px and height of 350px. For best results, upload an image that is 700px or over. Bookwhen supports JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG file types.

💡 If you are using a logo alongside a banner image, we suggest PNG as the file type. This allows you to use a transparent background for the logo, similar to our example page.

Banner image

To upload your banner image, select Customise page on your public page, then Set header background to upload the file, then Save settings:

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Set header image’ button where users can upload their banner image.

The uploaded banner image automatically adjusts to the width of the browser. It's good to consider that using a banner image containing text or people can become skewed, depending on the device. A plainer image can provide a cleaner look.

The image should be rectangular to avoid too much of your image being cut off the top or bottom when automatically adjusted. A good width is 1200px to a maximum width of 2600px.

Banner background colour

Instead of an image, you may use a single colour instead. To choose a colour, select Customise page on your public page, then Header background colour to select a colour from the palette, then Save settings:

Public page settings screen highlighting the ‘Header background colour’ field, where users can select a banner colour.

You can use a colour picker app if you want to use an exact colour. These are widely available to download for free and are often included in your computer's software package.

Colour picker app example. The software has chosen a shade of blue from an image of yoga mats.

In the above example, we used Apple's Digital Colour Meter app to locate the RGB values of the blue in the example banner photo. We then used Google Colour Picker to convert our RGB values into a HEX code, which we need to input into the Customise page settings.

For example:

The navy (RGB) colour is R: 18, G: 50, B: 73, which, when converted to HEX, is #123249

Public page settings screen with an arrow pointing at the ‘Header background colour’ field, where users can add their HEX code.

Emojis & special characters 😄🧘🏽‍♂️🌱 - ☾❀♡

You can use emojis and special characters anywhere on Bookwhen that uses text.

They are a great way to make your page expressive, engaging, and eye-catching.

Company details & your refund policy

If you accept online payments through Bookwhen, you must provide your company details and refund policy. The footer of your public page displays these details, including links to your social media accounts and accepted payment cards.

To update your company details, select Account details from within your account and Edit next to your company name:

Payment settings screen with an arrow pointing at the 'Edit' button to the right of the field, where users can add their payment information.
Public page footer screen highlight how the contact information appears on the public page.

You can add your refund policy by selecting Edit in your Payment settings within your account:

Embedding your public page

If you're embedding your Bookwhen schedule into your website, it's helpful to know that the iframe only shows the schedule itself.

It does not include:

  • The title

  • General information

  • Banner image/colour and logo.

Learn more about embedding your schedule and how to customise your schedule entries by embedding videos and images.

Navigating back to your scheduling page

To return to your scheduling page (where you set up your schedule and manage your bookings), select Scheduling in the top right-hand corner:

Public page screen with an arrow pointing in the top-right hand corner 'Scheduling' button, which users can click to return to their schedule setup.

💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! 🕺

The Bookwhen team wrote this article. While we can recommend external resources, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the mentioned sites. While we regularly update our articles, some processes may have changed since they were written. Please double-check and contact the site directly for any queries.

Tags: Branding, Logo, Customize, Customize, Personalize, Personalize, Personalization, Personalization, publicpage, pagesetup, page setup

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