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Donation tickets

How to let your customers decide how much they'd like to pay for a class

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Please note: Ticket costs are available on the Lite plan or above.

You can offer "pay as you feel" tickets by setting fixed donation amounts for your customers. You'll need to create a separate ticket for each donation amount you’d like to offer.

This article covers:

Setting up donation tickets

Creating a new pay-as-you-feel entry

To do this:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select Add a new entry:

    Scheduling page with arrow pointing at the 'Add a new entry' button

  3. Select the Dates & Times tab:

    Entry settings with the 'Dates & Times' tab highlighted

  4. It's a good idea to set up the entry as a '365-day' entry, so it appears at the top of your schedule for a year, making it easier for your customers to find. E.g.:

    Public page with arrow pointing at an event in the schedule list

  5. To set up the 365-day entry, tick the All day event checkbox and add 365 in the Duration (in days) field:

    Dates & Times tab with the 'All day event' and duration fields highlighted

  6. Next, select the Booking form tab:

    Entry settings with the 'Booking form' tab highlighted

  7. You can customise the booking form fields, making the checkout process a little quicker for your customers. To do this, select Select & reorder fields:

    Booking form tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Select & reorder fields' option

  8. Use the minus (-) next to each field to remove it from the form or plus (+) to add it back in:

    Booking form tab with an arrow pointing at a minus button next to the field

  9. You may wish to:

    • Select No under Will children be attending? (as this isn't applicable to donation tickets):

      Booking form tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Will children be attending?' field

    • Remove any unnecessary fields, such as Attendee email, since donation tickets don't require physical attendance. This will allow your customers to purchase multiple tickets without triggering a "double-booking" alert.

  10. When you have finished editing. Select Save form.

  11. Next, select the Tickets & Costs tab:

  12. Leave the Maximum event size field blank to allow unlimited purchases of the donation tickets:

    Entry settings with the 'Maximum event size' field within the 'Tickets & Costs' tab highlighted

  13. Add a ticket by selecting Create ticket:

    Tickets & Costs tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Create ticket' button

  14. Add the Name, Description and cost of the ticket under Pricing:

    Tickets & Costs tab with the 'Name', 'Description' and 'Pricing' sections highlighted

  15. Select Save ticket when you have finished creating it. Then, when you are ready to start creating your next ticket, select Create ticket to add another ticket:

    Ticket setup with arrow pointing at the 'Create ticket' button

  16. When you have finished creating your tickets and are happy with your settings, select Save or Save & Exit in the top right-hand corner.

💡 Please note: If you take online payments, your payment provider will take a small fee for your transactions, regardless of ticket type.

Adding donation tickets to your existing entry

To set up a donation ticket:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select your entry, then Edit entry:

    Scheduling setup with an arrow pointing to the 'Edit Entry' button.

  3. Select the Ticket & Costs tab, then Create ticket at the bottom of your existing ticket options to add a new ticket:

    Ticket setup with arrow pointing at the 'Create ticket' button

  4. You can tailor and add as many amounts as you wish to offer. Remember to select Save ticket after each creation to add them to your entry, and either Save or Save & Exit to save your entry.

How the tickets display on the public page

When your customers visit your page and select the entry, they can choose which amount they would like to purchase by adding the ticket to their basket and proceeding through checkout:

Public page with an arrow pointing at the 'Select button' within the ticket options

💡 Please note: Since each ticket represents one attendee, a single attendee can't purchase multiple donation tickets. To enable multiple ticket purchases, we recommend setting the attendee email booking form field as 'non-mandatory'. This will allow them to buy several tickets within the same booking.

Using payment providers to take donations

Some payment providers, such as PayPal and Monzo, allow you to create a unique link where someone can pay you directly for any amount.



💡 To note:

You can set up your link to receive either 'personal' or 'goods & services' payments within your account. You can only have one option active at a time, but you can easily switch between them if needed.

  • Personal payments intended for friends and family don't incur fees for the recipient but aren't covered by PayPal's protection.

  • By choosing 'goods & services,' you'll benefit from PayPal's protection, but fees will apply to you as the recipient.

Customers will need a PayPal account to use this option and can select the exact amount they want to pay.


After you've generated your link 🔗

You can then paste your link directly anywhere within the entry, such as the Description box within the Information tab of the entry:

Or you can post it in the General information box on your public page by selecting Customise page in the top right-hand corner:

Upcoming events - Booking by Bookwhen 2023-10-27 at 8.15.03 pm

Then paste it into the field:

This appears at the top of your public page:

Adding a donation button

Adding a button that links to your payment button at the top of your public page is a great alternative to just pasting the link. This makes it more visible and accessible for your customers.

Public page with an arrow pointing at a button at the top of the page


The code for the PayPal button used in the above screenshot is:

<div class="view_button">       <a class="small button" href=""target="_blank">Donate via PayPal</a>     </div>

To break it down:

Button shape:


Button colour:

<a class="small button" 

Payment link:

Ensure the link includes https://www.; without this, the link won’t work.



Ensures the link opens in a new tab so your customers stay on the current page.


Text on your button:

You can customise this text.

>Donate via PayPal</a> 

You could, for example, change this to:

 >Add your donation using PayPal</a> 

Once you've created your button code, open your Scheduling page and select the View public page button to open your Public Page:

Scheduling page with an arrow pointing at the 'View public page' button

Select Customise page in the top right-hand corner:

Public page with an arrow pointing at the 'Customise page' button

Scroll down and paste the code into your General information field:

Customise page setting with arrow pointing at the 'General information' field

  • You can use the code </p> in between each code to create a line break to stack your buttons vertically.

Select Save header text when you have finished pasting your code in.

Codes for button colours


<a class="small button"


<a class="small button success"

Light Blue

<a class="small button info"


<a class="small button secondary"


<a class="small button warning"


<a class="small button alert"

💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! 🕺

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