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Booker: Memberships Overview

Booker article: Learn what memberships are and how to view, purchase and cancel

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over 11 months ago

This article covers:

What is a membership?

A membership is a subscription that consists of either a one-off or recurring payment, depending on your Event Organiser settings.

When you have purchased a membership, you may have access to tickets that are exclusive to the membership.

✨ To access these tickets, you must have created an account and logged in.

Viewing a membership

If your Event Organiser has a live membership, the Memberships option will show in the top left-hand corner of their page:

Once selected, you can view their current live memberships:

Purchasing a membership

To purchase a membership, select the Select button next to your chosen membership to add it to your cart:

You can view your cart by either selecting it from the top right-hand corner or View selections:

With the membership in the basket, member tickets (if set up by your Event Organiser) are available to select and book alongside the membership purchase.

You can go back to the schedule to choose your tickets, then the Select button next to the desired ticket:

πŸ’‘ Important notes:

  • You need to ensure you have added a ticket alongside your membership to complete the booking.

  • Your ticket's price depends on your Event Organiser's settings.

The emails you receive

After completing payment, you will receive two emails: one confirmation email for your booked ticket:

And one confirming your membership subscription, with your invoice attached:

Emails you receive from Bookwhen

When you sign up for a membership, there are various emails you may receive from Bookwhen after signing up, or when any amendments are made.

These emails contain different messaging, for example:

Membership Subscription Started:

  • "Thank you for subscribing to the following membership"

Membership Subscription Renewed:

  • "We have received the subscription renewal payment for the following membership"

Membership Subscription Failed:

  • "There was a problem processing your membership subscription renewal payment"

Membership Subscription Cancelled:

  • "You have cancelled the renewal of your subscription to the following membership"

Membership Subscription Restored:

  • "You have reverted the cancellation of your subscription to the following membership"

Membership Subscription Ended:

  • "Your subscription to the following membership and all its associated benefits has ended"

Emails you receive from Stripe

Stripe is the payment provider that your event organiser uses to process payments.

Alongside the emails from Bookwhen, you may receive emails directly from Stripe (per your event organiser's settings).

These may include:

  • Upcoming renewal reminder

  • Expiring card notification

  • Update failed card notification

  • A Stripe-hosted link to confirm your payments (when required)

  • Reminders to complete the payment (if incomplete)

  • Finalised invoices

  • Incomplete invoice reminders

Updating your membership

You can view, cancel and update your card details by selecting the View membership subscription button in your membership confirmation email:

πŸ’‘ Please note: To update your card details or cancel your membership, you will need to log in to your account by selecting View membership subscription from the email.

πŸ’‘ Please note: Cancellation policies vary by Event Organiser. Check the cancellation policy by contacting your Event Organiser directly.

πŸ’¬ Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.

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