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Booker: Booking as a Guest vs. Account Holder
Booker: Booking as a Guest vs. Account Holder

Booker article: Learn the difference between when booking as a guest vs. with an existing booker's account

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over 6 months ago

When booking events, you can choose between checking out as a guest or logging into your account. Understanding the differences between these options can help you decide which is best for your needs.

This article covers:

Booking as a Guest


  • Quick and Easy: You can make a booking quickly without logging in or creating an account.

  • No Commitment: No need to remember login details or manage an account.


  • Limited Access: Guest bookings may not offer access to features available to account holders, such as tracking booking history or managing future bookings.

  • No Saved Information: You’ll need to enter your details each time you make a booking, as there is no saved information for future use.

How the checkout appears for guests:

After you've added all the tickets to your basket, select Book now:

Enter your email address into the Booker details field before selecting Continue:

Booker details screen showing empty email address field (Where users enter their email address).

From here, you will need to manually fill out the required Attendee details and Booking details (as requested by your event organiser), before selecting Continue:

Attendee details and Booking details screen, showing users an example of fields they will be required to fill out to continue with their booking.

Then, depending on your event organiser's payment settings, you can add payment information (online or offline payment) before selecting Complete booking:

Payment screen of the booking with arrow pointing at the 'Complete booking' button, showing users what to click to complete their booking.

You will then receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided. If you provide different email addresses in the booker and attendee email fields, both addresses will receive the confirmation.

Booking as an Account Holder


  • Streamlined Booking: Your personal information is saved, making future bookings faster and more convenient.

  • Access to Booking History: Easily view and manage your past and upcoming bookings from your customer portal.

  • Manage Passes and Memberships: If you have passes or memberships, you can manage them directly from your account.


  • Account Setup Required: You’ll need to create and manage an account, which includes remembering your login credentials.

  • Login Required: Access to your saved information and features requires logging in each time you book.

How the checkout appears for logged-in users

Similar to the guest checkout process, however, after you select Book now, we will automatically bypass the Booker email address section and take you straight to the attendee information section.

From here, any fields that were used on previous bookings will auto-populate with the information you provided.

For example, the Is this attendee a child?, Full name and T&C fields have been pre-populated:

Attendee details and Booking details sections of the checkout, showing pre-populated fields. This highlights how the system pre-populates fields that have previously been entered when you are logged in.

You can then proceed to payment as normal.

💡 If you forget to log in (and you have an account) before you check out, you will be prompted to log in during the Booker details stage:

Booker details screen showing users that if they have an account, they will be prompted to enter their password to log in before proceeding with booking.

Making the choice

Choosing between booking as a guest or using an account holder profile depends on your preferences and how often you book events. If you value convenience, creating an account might be the best option. However, if you prefer a quicker, no-commitment booking experience, guest booking might be the way to go.

💬 Any questions? Please reach out to your Event Organiser directly.

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