✨ Please note: Payments are available on the Lite plan or above.
This article covers:
When to record payment
You may need to record payment after a booking is completed for the following reasons:
If you book on behalf of a customer.
If you offer an offline payment option and need to record payment after the booking.
If you or your customer cancels a booking and you issue a refund.
Recording payment on a completed booking
To record a payment after a booking has been made:
Select Bookings from the left-hand menu on your account.
Use the search filters at the top and select Search to generate the search, or scroll through the list to find the booking.
If you select the Owes box in the Bookings page search bar, you can filter to display only bookings with outstanding, unrecorded payments:
Once found, select the hyperlinked booking reference to open the booking:
If we show that they have an amount outstanding, you can select the Record payment button:
In the record payment screen, you can:
Enter the Paid amount
The date it was Received on
The Payment type (cash, cheque, transfer, card machine or other)
Any additional Notes
Select Save once finished.
When completing a booking as an administrator
The payments screen will appear at the very end of the checkout process.
💡 The record offline payment option always appears for team members, regardless of your payment settings.
For example:
To do this:
Select Yes under Record payment now?
Select the Payment method, i.e.:
Card machine
Online payment
Add any notes you wish to include in the Admin note field.
Once complete, select Complete booking.
✨ Learn more about how admin bookings differ from customer bookings.
Recording a refund
Issuing a refund through your payment provider or offline doesn't translate to booking on Bookwhen.
To record a refund on Bookwhen:
Ensure you have cancelled the ticket or booking first.
Open the booking by selecting Bookings from the left-hand menu on your account. Use the search filters at the top and select Search to generate the search, or scroll through the list to find the booking.
Select the hyperlinked booking reference to open the booking. For cancelled bookings, you will have the option to Record refund:
In the Refund amount section, you can record:
Select Save when completed.
The booking will then show the payment and refund information:
💬 Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:
For a quicker response, please contact us via live chat on our homepage or your account.
Or send us an email
Thank you! 🕺
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