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Attendee List

Learn how to edit the list, monitor attendees and mark no shows within Bookwhen

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated this week

✨ Please note: Live attendance tracking via the Attendee list is available on the Standard plan or above.

The attendee list shows the customers attending your event. Depending on your plan, you can also use it to access bookings quickly and record attendance.

This article covers:

Recording attendances

If you are on our Standard plan or above, you can track attendance as your event happens, making it easy to keep track of who's shown up.

To do this:

  1. Open your Scheduling page.

  2. Select the entry from your schedule list, then the Attendees button:

    Scheduling page with arrow pointing at the 'Attendees' button

  3. If your event is part of a course with course-only tickets, select the date from your schedule list, then the attendee icon πŸ‘ͺ next to the date:

    Scheduling list with an arrow pointing at the attendees icon next to a date on a course

  4. Once selected, a list of your attendees will appear. For example:

  5. You can record attendance under the Attended column.

    • If an attendee was present, select the person with a tick icon.

      Person icon with a tick next to it
    • If an attendee did not attend, select the person with a strikethrough icon.

      Person icon with a strike through it

  6. To remove the record of attendance, select the x. For example:

    Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the cross button

  7. To mark all attendances at once, select the relevant option at the bottom of the Attended column. This will overwrite any existing record:

    Attendee list with arrow pointing at the bulk marking attendance option

πŸ’‘ You can also use the Bookings tab to view attendances.

Editing your attendee list columns

You can add or remove booking form fields from your attendee list as needed. To do this:

  1. Open the attendee list and select the paper and pencil icon πŸ“ in the top right-hand corner of the list:

    Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the pencil and paper icon

  2. To add a new field, select it from the list so a tick mark βœ… appears next to it:

    Customise table columns page with an arrow pointing at the tick mark

  3. To remove it from the list, select it again so the tick disappears.

  4. Select Save changes when finished.

πŸ’‘ Please note: If too many fields are selected for the width of the attendee list, the page may not display all of the fields.

Reordering the list

You can reorder how the fields appear on your list. To do this:

  1. Open the attendee list and select the paper and pencil icon πŸ“ in the top right-hand corner of the list:

    Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the pencil and paper icon

  2. Use the three lines to the left of each field and drag/drop as necessary. i.e.:

  3. Select Save changes to change the new order.

πŸ’‘ To note: Any edits you make to the attendee list will apply to all entries across your account.

Sorting attendee names alphabetically

To sort first names and booking references alphabetically, select the down or up arrows in the Name and Booking columns:

Attendee list with arrows pointing at the arrows next to Booking and Name

To sort the list by last name, select the Options drop-down menu, then Edit table columns:

Attendee list with arrow pointing at the 'Edit table columns' option within the 'Options' drop-down menu

Deselect Name, then select both First name and Last name system fields, then Save changes:

Customise table columns page with 'First name' and 'Last name' highlighted

You can then alphabetically sort the register either by first name or by last name:

Attendee list with arrows pointing at the arrows next to first and last name columns

Sorting by booking date & time

To reorder the list by booking date and time:

  1. Select the Options drop-down menu, then Edit table columns:

    Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the 'Edit table columns' option within the 'Options' drop-down menu

  2. Select the Booking date field to add it to the list, and Save changes.

  3. You can then toggle the Booking date column to reorder your register:

    Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the booking date column

More Options

The Options drop-down menu in the attendee list provides several actions you can take, such as printing the list, exporting data, or managing the event:

Attendee list with an arrow pointing at the 'Options' drop-down menu

The options include:


Download a PDF of the list.

View public/secure event page

View the event on your public page.

View bookings list

View the bookings for the event via the Bookings tab.

View email list

View and copy a list of email addresses for attendees of the event.

Resend confirmation emails

Resend confirmation emails to attendees of the event.

Event specific information


Add online joining details (for online events with manually added joining details)

View and edit:

  • Private event-specific information

  • Maximum event size

  • Location

  • Assign videos to the event

  • Select options for ongoing access or overriding event leaders

Unpublish this single event

Unpublish this event from your schedule.

Cancel event

Mark the event as cancelled on the public schedule (this does not notify attendees).

Change event date/time

Moves the event to a new date/time, including existing bookings (this does not notify attendees).

Export to CSV

Downloads a .csv spreadsheet file (for use with Excel, Google Sheets, etc.)

Edit table columns

Edit which booking form fields appear on the list.

πŸ’¬ Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! πŸ•Ί

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Tags: Attendance, register, tracking, record, attendances, recording

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