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Using the Customer List to manage customers

How to navigate, run searches and export from the customer list

Anni avatar
Written by Anni
Updated over a week ago

The Customer List provides an overview of your customer statistics and their most recent responses from booking forms. You can search, filter, and organise this information to create customised lists and reports.

This article covers:

Filtering your search

To filter your search:

  1. Select Customers from the left-hand menu on your account.

  2. Select the Filter by drop-down menu, the required search criteria, then Add:

    Customers tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Filter by' drop-down menu

You can filter by:

Attendance date

Search for customers based on when they attended an event.

Booking date

Search for customers based on when they booked an event.

Email status

Search by whether an email exists for a customer and if it's valid.

Child status

Useful for filtering between adult and child attendees.

Customer group

Search for customers in specific customer groups.


Search for customers in a specific membership.

Membership status

Search for customers by status of membership (active/cancelled/due to cancel/payment failed)

Membership number

Search for customers by membership number.

You can also filter your search using any field from your booking forms, such as consent to marketing, age, dietary requirements, or any other details you've requested.

Adding multiple filters

You can add multiple filters to your search. To do this:

  1. Select the drop-down menu under Filter by, then select a filter option.

  2. Once selected and you're ready to add another, select the Add button.

    • For example, in the screenshot below, the filters used are Attendance date, Email status, Booked between, and Child status:

      Customers page with the 'Filter by' drop-down menu highlighted

  3. When ready, select Search to generate the results.

Ordering results

Once you've run a search, you can organise your results using the following options:

  • Latest booking/event

  • Last/first name

  • First seen: When the customer was first added to your account

  • Total bookings: Total lifetime bookings

  • Total attendances: Total lifetime attendance

  • Amount spent: Total lifetime spent on bookings

To do this:

  1. Select the drop-down menu under Ordering and choose how you'd like to order the search:

    Customers tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Ordering' drop-down menu

  2. Then select Search to reorder your results.

  3. You can also order in reverse by ticking the Reverse box.

    Customers tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Reverse' checkbox

Your search results

The system splits the results into three columns:

  1. Customer: Displays the name and email address. The email links to the customer's profile page.

  2. Stats: Shows booking and event information, along with overall expenditure.

  3. Booking form responses: Lists responses to completed booking fields.

Customers page showing a customer example, including name, email address, booking stats and booking form responses

The booking form responses column will be blank if you haven't asked for details in a booking form or attendee details were skipped during a manual admin booking. For example:

Customers tab showing a blank booking form responses column


Once you've completed a search, you can export the corresponding information as a .csv file or extract the email addresses.

To do this:

  1. Select Options, then Export customers (CSV).

    Customers tab with an arrow pointing at the 'Export customers (CSV)' option within the 'Options' drop-down menu

    • Your .csv export will include all associated stats featured on the customer list, booking form responses, and pass information (pass reporting).

    • Yes/no questions (such as consent to marketing or T&Cs) will appear as:

      • Blank (no response)

      • 1 (Yes)

      • 0 (No)

✨ You can use this report to import your list into Mailchimp.

Useful reports to run

  • Search for invalid emails to fix and update.

  • Export a list of emails for e-marketing, filtering by whether they consented to marketing.

  • Find customers who have been attending your events for the longest.

  • Find your most attended customers.

  • Search for results on any of your booking form questions.

πŸ’‘ Please note: The customer list and report filter only on customer, attendee, or consent fields. For data captured in booking or ticket fields, refer to the attendance exports.

πŸ’¬ Any questions or feedback? There are two ways to get in touch:

Thank you! πŸ•Ί

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